Jesus' Disciple-Making Strategy - Step 3

Disciple-making has taken a number of shapes and this isn’t to say they are wrong. Rather, it is a call to recalibrate ourselves around the simple principles Jesus passed on to those who follow in HIs way. Jesus is the Master Disciple Maker and He taught us about a “way to do things” just as much as He taught us about a “way to live.”

And any time His followers actually follow it things happen. The strategies Jesus used became the strategy we find His followers putting into play as the Early Church began to take shape. It worked then and it works today.

They did what Jesus did and their lives produced the fruit of disciple-making.

Let’s go ahead and take a look at Step 3 in Jesus’ Disciple-Making Strategy

  • Step 3: Find … People of Peace who are spiritually hungry

Our job is to find those who are searching for God and and help them understand what it is they are discovering about Him. We are to guide people in becoming a follower of Jesus as we aid them in their search.

Here is how Jesus talked about it: “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you. Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house.”  Luke 10: 5-7

Jesus was giving them an incredible evangelism strategy in the midst of His Disciple- Making Strategy. The two just go together like peanut butter and jelly. What He was saying to them was simple … go out and look for people where God is already at work in their lives…people who are spiritually hungry…people who are searching for Him (even if they don’t know it’s Him they are searching for). Are you catching this?

As you come into their lives the peace of God is with you and extends out from you. It is either received or rejected by those you interact with. When you go to a house and your peace rests on them, it means they are interested in you or the Gospel you bring. They respond to His presence in you, His peace.

There are also people of un-peace … people who are not spiritually hungry and have no real interest is learning more about God. We need to know they are out there, and when we encounter them we simply move on. Jesus said: “When you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your town we wipe from our feet as a warning to you’” Luke 10: 10-11 It is part of what happens when we seek and save those who are lost.

Find those in whom God is already at work and receive it as His invitation for you to join Him in His work. When He opens your eyes and ears to them He is inviting you to go to work. Find the people who are prepared to feed you in order to hear what you have to say, those who receive us and invite us to share more with them. They are the ones who will accept an invite to go a bit further. We call them People of Peace.

David Bennett