Jesus' Disciple-Making Strategy - Step 4

Recalibrating ourselves around the ways of Jesus is an important discipline that we are wise to incorporate into our regular rhythms of life. As followers in the way of Jesus we need to reflect in every aspect our lives. This is what makes the avenue of disciple-making so important in our lives.

Jesus the Master Disciple Maker taught us about a “way to do things” just as much as He taught us about a “way to live.” We gain much when we begin to pay attention to every aspect that Jesus discipled those who followed Him.

When we do things in the way Jesus did good fruit comes from our efforts.

Let’s go ahead and take a look at Step 4 in Jesus’ Disciple-Making Strategy

  • Step 4: Show … them what it looks like when Jesus is Lord; apprentice them

Give those who are watching an opportunity to taste and see that the Lord is good. Let them see the absolute wonder it is to be a part of the family of God. Allow them a closeup view of what serving Jesus is really like.

Take time to help them process and understand when Jesus comes near them, it  changes everything. There is hope where there was none, there is love where it eluded you before, peace has come where it couldn’t be found before, you get it.

Jesus said: “As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near. Heal the sick, raise the dead’”  Matthew 10: 7-8

Our hope is to saturate the community around us with an up-close look at the person of Jesus and the love He has for them. It is to let them see in real life what His involvement in our lives does. We are here to saturate the area by showing, and when the time comes, sharing the proclamation that Jesus is Lord.

Wherever we go we need to let them know the Good News that “The kingdom of heaven is near.” We proclaim this through the way we live that Jesus is Lord.

It happens as we go and let the people see in both our words and actions what the world looks like when Jesus is King. Jesus did this by building relationships, delivering those who were in distress, telling stories about life in the Kingdom of God, and healing the sick around Him. Then He sent His followers out to do the same and commands all His disciples who will come later to do likewise.

David Bennett