Jesus' Disciple-Making Strategy - Step 2

Jesus, the Master Disciple Maker, was those of us who follow Him a “way to do things” just as much as He was teaching them about a “way to live.”

What He said, how He went about doing it, where He did it …  all of it mattered.

And Jesus’ followers caught it.

The strategies Jesus used with them ended up becoming the strategy we find them putting into play as the Early Church began to take shape.

They did what Jesus did.

Let’s take a look at Step 2 in Jesus’ Disciple-Making Strategy

  • Step 2: Go

Prayer is great and we need to pause for Step 1. Here is an equally important reality … more often than not, God won’t begin to move in an area until we do. He partners with the likes of you and me; He does something during all that praying as He refines, reforms, and calls us. Jesus’ second step in His disciple-making strategy is to GO.

After telling his disciples to ask for workers in the harvest fields, Jesus tells them this: Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.”  Luke 10: 3

In order to reach the lost, we need to be out among them. We need to be in the world while not belonging to the world. Jesus’ discipleship strategy for reaching the lost involves those who follow in His way to be with those who have lost their way, just like He was with us when we were searching. This is what Go is really all about. It is walking from village to village, from neighborhood to neighborhood, and spending time in people's homes sharing a meal.

The fact is you will never discover People of Peace in your prayer closet. The discovery of People of Peace requires we interact with them. It is built through relationship.