Jesus' Disciple-Making Strategy - Step 5

Once we get the first four steps in Jesus’ strategy for disciple-making in motion it opens the way for this final step to have a much greater level of impact. Jesus the Master Disciple Maker knew the path to reproducing faith and life in others and He taught us about a “way to do things” just as much as He taught us about a “way to live.”

When we begin to think we can skip the other steps and move directly into teaching our fruitfulness falls off and effectiveness disappears. We simply need to follow in the way of Jesus and watch how our lives begin to produce the type of results He expects from our lives. It really does work.

When we do things in the way Jesus we produce and reproduce over and over again. We become disciples who make disciples and that brings a smile to the heart of God.

Let’s go ahead and take a look at Step 5 in Jesus’ Disciple-Making Strategy

  • Step 5: Teach … them to do the same

As you can see this disciple-making is our responsibility to walk with them along the way and teach them as we go. We reproduce in them what has been reproduced in us, so they can reproduce in others what has been reproduced in them. Did you get all that reproducing going on in there?

We make deposits in their lives so others can make some withdrawals. We share with them what we have discovered concerning our Savior, King, and Lord so they can grow and mature in Him and then do the same thing with other people.

The Scripture says: “Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them.” Mark 2:13

It was Jesus’ habit to teach. Serving is wonderful, building relationships with people is a must, and sharing a meal with those we are discipling in the way of Jesus is fantastic. They all contribute in the process and teach in their own way the truth of Jesus Christ. We just need to add words and proclaim Jesus is Lord through it all.

The truth is that to be a learner-follower you have to first learn so that you can follow. Some things can be picked up simply by watching and paying attention. You sort of practice your way through imitating others until it makes sense and you believe. Nothing wrong with this, and it should be part of the process.

However, at some point along the way, as you live out life together we need to teach what Jesus has taught us. We need to pass on to those who are learning to follow Jesus the very things we have discovered so they to can know the way and give them to someone else. We have a term for this … we call it Gospel Fluency … the ability to share the Gospel with anyone in any situation or circumstance. It should be as natural to those who follow Him as it was to Jesus Himself. We begin to teach.

There you have it …. Jesus’ Strategy for disciple-making: 5 steps every person who follows in the way of Jesus can fulfill the art of disciple-making in their lives. We no longer need to be overcome with guilt because we are not living the Great Commission. It doesn’t have to be a point where we shift the conversation to things that happened years ago when we first believed,. Making disciples is a constant activity in the life of any who believe; we are followers in the way of Jesus, which means, we learn from Him and then we do what He did. We make disciples who make disciples who will make disciples.

David Bennett