Influencing Other Influencers (Part 3)
Partnering with other people to mobilize a missionary movement to Seek, Save, and Send. Our Circle of Partners is what makes everything possible as we help church transition into a missionary force in their local community. Today we come with a different focus from our normal interaction as we address a serious need we are experiencing.
New funding is a MUST for us to continue mobilizing a missionary movement.
Each gift is an important investment in the lives of ministers and the churches they serve to rediscover the commission of Jesus to SEEK, SAVE, and SEND.
What once worked is no longer producing the results we enjoyed, and now it is time to return to the approach Jesus handed off to His followers. Ministers need help navigating this change, and we come along side them with the assistance they need.
Jesus said He came to seek and save those who are lost … a reality that penetrated deeply into my (David) heart about 20 years ago and changed the course of our lives and ministry. It is the reason we work to bring about transformation through the love, acceptance, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to the People of Peace in our lives. It’s the secret sauce in mobilizing a missionary movement.
In a nutshell … we influence other influencers as we disciple and coach ministers, who turn around and disciple the people in the local church they serve. The result is followers in the way of Jesus are equipped, sent out, and released to live as missionaries among the people of their own communities.
You could say we help create sending centers for local communities.
Did you get that?
People in local churches are discipling lost people into the Kingdom of God. Powerful. Churches are becoming sending centers as they equip and send people out into the everyday world around them.
We reconnect them to the simplicity of SEEK, SAVE, and SEND.
This is the multiplication aspect of what you invest in when you partner with us as U.S. Missionaries. Anything you can do to help is appreciated. First, and foremost, pray our funding comes in; everyone can help this way. Then ask God what you should do to support the cause. There are a few simple steps to get the job accomplished.
Please pray and consider…
For those currently supporting us: What can you do to become one of our 100+ Missions Partners? (people who give $100 or more each month).
For new potential supporters: What can you do? What would it take for you to be a $100+ Missions Partner?
The regular consistent giving of partners like you is what makes it all possible.
This link will help you get started today! We deeply appreciate anything you can do to help us continue influencing other influencers so the church improves their serve to SEEK, SAVE, and SEND.