COVID-19: The Art of Neighboring in the Midst of a Pandemic (Part 1)
During this pandemic we must move past the prosaic nature of how we have framed the Gospel and find a more effective and interesting way to present this ageless message.
Relax. It isn’t about changing the actual message and getting into some kind of heresy. We are talking about finding a better way to tell the story of Jesus Christ, a way that actually sounds interesting to the people listening to us. This is very much about using a missionary approach in Post-Christian America.
In short, most of the people who we find it difficult to understand their reactions to this crisis are most likely operating from a very different philosophy of life than we might live. It really isn’t about which one is right or wrong, nor is it about having to defend oneself; this is about living as a missionary among people who seem similar to us but are, in fact, very different from us. It is crossing cultures to learn about others which is better than being angry or frustrated or defensive. Instead, we can communicate, encourage, and help one another get through this tough season…and we think those who follow Jesus should lead the way.
If followers of Jesus hope to bring any substantial change in people’s lives and the communities we live in, we must tell a better, more compelling story. Not only that, we must tell the story better than we have been telling it before. This is especially true if during this Coronavirus pandemic we hope to have anyone listening. We need to be the missionaries Jesus commissioned us to be and rewrite the narrative so we can tell a more interesting, compelling story revealing the wild nature of Christ’s love for us all.
“Here is what is going around in my head ….
There are plenty of people spinning tales of what the coronavirus pandemic is all about. You hear everything from scientific theories and facts to conspiracy idea of government takeovers. We hear China is to blame from some people, while at the same time others tell us it came from somewhere in Europe. Then we have those who love to bring the blame home as they tell us this really was started by Americans wanting to wipe out a particular people group.”
It is time for the people of God to lay aside all of these hopeless ideas and share one story really, really well. It’s the story of Jesus, the Gospel. We need to share the Good News that the Kingdom of God has come near to those living next door and down the street. We must step out and find a way to make a difference in the people around us by shepherding those who live around the corner or down the hallway.
One thing I can tell you for sure: God is already at work, and there are people in your sphere of influence ready and willing to receive the love, acceptance, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. We are not talking about sharing some baseless hope of wishful thinking that allows us to escape the current tragedies people are facing in life. It is a well-founded hope in the person of Jesus Christ who simply promises to go with us through the fire.
Find a way and bring a bit of hope to someone’s life. It might be through a bag of cookies or a listening ear. You might find it comes through mowing a person’s yard or taking out the trash for them. It really doesn’t matter the avenue we choose; we just need to take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to us and guide our steps in ministering to the neighbors near us. Then go do it.
As COVID-19 continues to capture the minds and hearts of people all around us we must…
share with them the story of a grace that carries us through troubled times
live out a faith in God that moves mountains to see what all He might do for us
go forward telling the wild story of peace that passes understanding in the midst of trials
give away the incredible hope we have found in Jesus Christ
tell the crazy story of how we have joy in the midst of struggle
let others see the way Christ strengthens us to meet the need while difficulties rage all around
share the wild story of comfort and counsel the Holy Spirit brings to our life helping us to make sense out of senselessness
be the mercy of God that yields healing for our bodies, hearts, and minds
In this season, with all the concerns a pandemic brings, we must be the people of God who live our lives as a missionary right where He has planted us.
What is needed is more people with the heart of one of our Sustaining Support Team Members (the people who empower us to mobilize a missionary movement) who in response to a recent newsletter wrote:
““I was so impressed with what you said about folks reaching out into the communities where they live. The Lord has laid upon my heart to do that very thing. I don’t know how or where to begin …” ”
Go ahead and make a difference in your neighborhood during this crisis through simple acts of kindness. Take care of one another, be generous in heart, and tell a better story of Christ’s love than whatever narrative has captured their hearts before.
Pause for a minute to ask yourself and the Holy Spirit:
What does Good News sound like to my neighbor(s)?