Today we are going to have fun as we continue our conversation about what makes us (Mission 614), us.

The center piece for any family is the same as it is for a Family On Mission or Church. It is what we build our values, beliefs, and practices upon. In short, this is what empowers us to live out the things we hold in our hearts.

We call this part of our process the STRUCTURE or paradigm. The most important thing in creating the structure upon which everything else you do rests is to make sure you remember the “bigness” of God in your paradigm. 

We begin with a quick look at our mission: Mission 614 is a community of communities committed to mobilizing transformation through the love, acceptance, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

We think at the center of transformation sits discipleship. In fact, we are transformed as we mature and grow as disciples of Jesus. There isn’t much there in our red circle, yet, but we have enough to move forward. Discipleship is central to everything we do because it is who we are … we are disciples who make other disciples.

Jesus commissioned us as His learner-followers (disciples) to reproduce in others the things He has taught and showed us. We teach other people about Jesus and how to follow Him through the natural daily rhythms as we live out our lives. 

We are disciples (learner-followers) of Jesus Christ seriously committed to reproducing what Jesus has done in us and in the lives of others. So it gets a center spot in our diagram as it informs the relationships we forge in life. 

Next, we build around 3 key discipling relationships we think every follower of Jesus Christ should maintain.

Here is a short way of explaining them: We reach UP to God, IN to one another, and OUT to People of Peace who do not know or understand Jesus as the way, truth, and life. We need to maintain a healthy balance in all three of these types of relationships to fulfill the purpose Jesus gave us.

Not only do we focus on 3 key discipling relationships,  we also rely on 3 important discipleship vehicles to get us where we need to be so we can do what we need to do. Our vehicles of Worship, Community, and Evangelism help us be in the right place doing the right things so we are prepared to join the Holy Spirit where He is already at work.

These vehicles help us maintain the healthy balance in our discipling relationships and provide us a way to live it out through our natural daily rhythms. It is our 3 vehicles that provide the disciplines needed to live out the balance in our 3 key relationships.

As a household moving forward in faith through the love, acceptance, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ we strive to fulfill the vision God has given us. We genuinely believe they are the keys in leading People of Peace into becoming new creations. It is the unique combination of all three working together through real people, in real time, that continues the work of transformation in our lives and community.

These three -Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness- working together are the substance through which transformation takes root as discipleship changes the hearts, minds, beliefs, and ultimately the actions of people.

So, there you have it … the base structure upon which everything we as a community or church is built upon. It is our PARADIGM, the structure of Mission 614. We take them rather seriously and guard each as a treasure in our hearts. These are the pieces that make us, us … and we want to invite you to join us in this pursuit.

If you live in Columbus, Ohio, and want to do something significant with your life, send us an email or give us a call and let’s sit down and see if Mission 614 is for you.