2023 Mobilizing Transformative Convergence(Part 1)
As 2023 unfolds we (David & Kandy) have deepened our commitment as we work to Mobilize Transformative Convergence. We thought it would be nice to update our friends and partners on how our mission helps the church to better engage the seculars of Post-Christian American today. The truth is that the financial support and prayers of people like you allow us to empower the leaders and influencers we disciple and coach. It’s a great partnership!
The Call
We are mobilizing a missionary movement by recruiting, discipling, and coaching leaders in a missionary approach to life and ministry.
Once grasped and implemented, it changes everything for the minister/leader and local church.
We work to awaken the missionary spirit lying dormant in the hearts of people, who follow Jesus, and see them released to live their potential as missionaries on the local front. When families begin to live as The Great Commission followers of Jesus, it revives the hearts of people and the churches they form. It then creates an awakening in communities wherever the movement takes root.
Jesus said to His disciples, ‘As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And we believe He is saying the same thing to each one of us who are His followers.
The Focus
We disciple other leaders of churches, non-profits, businesses, and various missions projects to equip them to disciple people the way Jesus did. Together we discover ways to serve and live through a missionary approach.
It is time for us to seriously focus our attention at Gospel saturation of our neighborhoods and cities … to proclaim the good news to all people, that in the person of Jesus the kingdom of God has come near to them, and that changes everything.
We happen to think the best way to achieve this is by empowering and releasing followers in the way of Jesus. These are the people who are discipled through the leaders we have influenced. We equip, send them out, and commission them to live as the missionaries they are called to be.
The Hope
We hope to awaken the church to missionary life. It’s a life of crossing cultures and focusing on the needs of people very different from ourselves, as we join the Holy Spirit in seeking and saving those who are lost.
This is all the more important when we consider those who are poor, isolated, and pushed to the side. We often find them in the hard spaces of America, living and working right next to us.
Our hope is to see the local church awaken to the call of God to be a sending center that sends out missionaries (people from the local congregation) into every part of their community.
The Problem
There is not a harvest problem; it is plentiful and ripe, ready to be brought in. The real problem is not enough harvesters. We didn’t say this; Jesus did, and it’s as true today as when He said it.
Here is the deal … the worker shortage can be changed through discipling the people sitting in worship services, small groups, and other gatherings of the church. The people are there, and we need to mobilize them into action.
The Solution
Mobilizing a missionary movement can be accomplished by supplanting the consumers, sitting in churches, into producers who are willing to live the sent life of a missionary… people who see themselves as the representatives of Jesus Christ to whatever neighborhood, workplace, and community they find themselves living in.
We think, when leaders begin to change and pick up the mantle of life as a missionary, they are able to inspire and motivate the people around them. Healthy awakened churches transform entire communities, and that is what we work at every day.
The daily convergence followers in the way of Jesus have, with the people around them, become life changing when they live out the Gospel in real genuine ways and become fluent in sharing Gospel stories of Jesus. We turn consumers into producers, as disciples begin to make other disciples by sharing a meal and a story about Jesus.
Our hearts are fixed on Mobilizing Transformative Convergence in 2023, and we can’t do it without you. Each time leaders are awakened to live with a missionary spirit it change the world around them. This reality excites and motivates us and we hope it stirs your heart as well. If you are interested in helping us help other influencers you can do so simply by following the instructions below.
Thank you for helping us get to this point; we could not have made it without you!
Here’s how you can partner with us. It’s fairly easy to do, just go to…
ConvergeGroup.org and click on the giving tab. Instructions are there to guide you…
or go to…
giving.ag.org and type in David & Kandy Bennett (Account #2248037) and follow instructions. Keep in mind, if it has been a while since you used your AG Missions giving account, the online system has been updated and you will need to set it up again.