Let’s return to our series and dive into the conversation around the basics of Coping With Cultural Shift in Post-Christian America. Part 4 in this series is an enlightening piece to the puzzle of secularism as we explore Post-Christian Culture.

We need to remember the term Post-Christian is referencing the period of time we currently live in where Christianity no longer holds the dominant influence it once held as the prevalent worldview in America. Instead, American culture is primarily being influenced and guided by Secular Humanism’s philosophy for life.

Author Mark Sayers takes us a step further when he says,

Did you catch that at the end?

Post Christianity is striving to mirror Christianity but does so by emptying it of the intent found in Christianity. What this means is: In the secularist minds of Post-Christian America, they try to take on the job God gave His Church without being encumbered with the truth that guides the church to do this job. In usurping the role of the Church in our society, they hope to hold the place of influence the Church once enjoyed.

Wow! This is so important to the conversation. In essence, the humanist philosophy looks for ways to build on the idea of oikos (a household) to create extended families to provide the support system people need. They are copying the Church.

At first glance this may not seem like a big deal or even a bad idea. After all, the need is overwhelming and seems to be much more than any one church might be able to handle. people do need a support system, and what is being offered by groups espousing the tenets of secularism can sound good to a growing number of people.

Looking closer, we realize it’s an attempt to do what God gave the Church to do… only to do so without the redemptive healing aspects found in our (people who follow in the way of Jesus) dogma, doctrine, and systems. In short, the church makes disciples of Jesus which is what brings about the transformative nature of the Gospel.

What we are highlighting is the very thing the secular humanists fear the most. We are exposing the reality that the Post-Christian idea is emptied of the very pieces and parts which make it a workable and fruitful reality.

Is this beginning to sink into your thinking?

The Post-Christian world pursues a utopian society where no one rules and everyone enjoys the benefits of such a world. It wants everything the kingdom of God offers except the God who makes it all possible. It wants the benefits without the truth of the kingdom to guide them in such a way of life.

In essence, Post-Christian culture wants the fruit of the Kingdom without the King. They borrow from Christianity to help create their idea of utopia. Such thinking wants the joy of heaven without the Lordship of Jesus Christ who is the source of such joy.

Genuine followers in the way of Jesus need to wake up to a different approach in engaging such a people rather than relying on the methods we used with a pagan world. These people are often very aware of what the Church does, while missing the essence of what makes it work.

This is the world we face every single day, and reaching it is going to require a return to the simplicity of the mission Jesus gave His Church to carry out. It’s found in stuff like … building genuine relationships … walking with people through life … an utter dependence on the Holy Spirit … and a willingness to pass on to others what has been passed to you.

What we are suggesting is we need a disciple-making movement equal to the task this culture requires of the Church. One that is genuine and true. We think it needs people who really live out the Gospel they invite others to join, missionaries of the every day variety. We are talking about a grass roots disciple-making movement of missionaries incarnating the Gospel in real time. They say to the People of Peace watching and listening, “Come follow me as I follow Jesus Christ.”

We are inviting you to join the movement and cross cultural divides that seem impossible at times to reach across. We ask you to be people willing to genuinely be transformative as you reach through the maze that separates. Invite others to walk with you so they can make a better, more informed decision concerning Jesus Christ. In this humanist society of Post-Christian culture it takes authentic representation of the Gospel lived out in us who call ourselves people in the way of Jesus. Tag you are “it” if you bear His name.

Will you join?