How can we help you get to the mission field that God has called you to?

There are several ways that people can help us get to the mission field.  First there is something everyone can do:  pray for us.  Prayer is powerful and a great help to every missionary.  Here are a few other things you can do that would be a big help.  Let me take a few moments and share what they are.

Monthly Faith Promise – this is the lifeblood of every missionary.  Through monthly support we are able to focus our attention on the mission God has given to us.  When people become a part of our Support Team they catapult us forward in the mission ahead.

Missions Parties – sometimes people want to do more to help than their budgets allow for them to participate.  A great way to multiply your monthly gift is to host a Missions Party for us.  These are events you sponsor and invite some friends that you think would be interested in what we are doing.  At the party we will share the vision to develop missionary church planters to reach places like the university districts of America.  Opportunity will be given to those in attendance to become part of our Support Team through either one-time gifts or monthly Faith Promise support.  Please be sure to let the people know ahead of time that a financial appeal will be made; we want to be up front with what the event is about. 

One Time Gifts – another great way to help us is through a one-time gift.  This is especially helpful during this time where we are trying to raise funds.  These gifts can help sustain us as we itinerate and have lower incomes because the budget hasn’t been fully raised.  In the future they become a great help to do extra-unexpected projects that come up in any ministry.

Annual Gifts – there are ways for us to set up an annual gift for those who are unable to do the monthly Faith Promise.  Often times business people find this advantageous as they do year-end giving based on profits from the previous year.  Talk with us, and we will help you find the way that best accomplishes what you are wanting to do.

Missions Service – we would love to come to your church or para-church group to share the vision God has given to us.  Talk with your pastor or the leader of your organization you are a part of and then connect them to us.  It would be great to talk with your leaders and explain to them what we are trying to accomplish.  Then we can schedule a time to come and share with your church or church group.

As you can see there are a number of different ways you can get involved in helping us move forward.  If you are interested in one or more of them please feel free to contact us so we can discuss more with you about how you can join us.

* The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author at the time of writing.  They do not reflect in any way those of the organizations to which they belong to or affiliated with.

David Bennett